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Video resumes – is show and tell the way to go?

almost 5 years ago by Kirsten Jelinek
Video Resumes (1)

​Video resumes are a new way for job seekers to stand out in the crowd. In today’s highly competitive job market, a video application can show a potential employer your personality and communication skills.

Though video will not be replacing traditional resumes any time soon, it is beginning to be used more frequently by employers. This new application process gives employers the ability to gain a greater insight into what you have to offer and gives you the opportunity to market yourself to their business.

What is a video resume?

A video resume is a short video that is created by a job seeker, uploaded either online or emailed to a hiring manager for internal review. The job advertisement will list questions for the job seeker to answer in their video response.

Lisa LaRue, a career coach at CareerWorx, says that video resumes should be considered as another tool in a job seeker’s tool box. 

“A traditional CV outlines your skills, qualifications and experience, whereas a video CV enables an employer to get a feel for your personality.”

The video is recommended to be 30 to 60 seconds long, and provides an opportunity for you to describe your skills, experience and what makes you stand out from the other candidates. A video resume should not be submitted on its own, and its usually supplemented with the submission of a paper/electronic resume.

An employer survey conducted by Vault Inc, found that the main reason employers request video resumes is that it allows hiring managers to assess a candidate’s professional conduct before a face--to-face interview.

So when should I make a video resume?

Video resumes are not compulsory for every job application, and it will be specified in the application process if it is required.

The sectors that tend to occasionally request a video resume range include retail, food, marketing, media, sales and the entertainment industry.

For example, the natural cosmetics brand LUSH requires a video resume for roles which are in high demand. This gives LUSH the chance to “quickly assess your communication skills, confidence and what you are like when under pressure” and make their way through applications at a more efficient rate.

You should consider making a video resume only when it is requested, or when the employment sector you are applying for is directly associated with video work or centred around communication skills.

Benefits of a video resume:

Control: You are now in the driver’s seat! You can take entire control of how you are presented to the employer by your speech and appearance. You will also have foresight into the questions and can practice by writing a script beforehand. This control will enable you to curate your best first impression to the hiring manager.

Creativity: It’s time to let those creative thoughts flow.If it’s a tech savvy job you’re applying for, showcase your video editing skills. If you are applying for a retail job, highlight your excellent communication and sales skills directly to the hiring manager before you’re on the shop floor.

Visibility: Unlike limitations of paper resumes which can be thrown away, video resumes are hard to miss. You will most likely be on the hiring manager’s radar with a creative response.

How to create a great video resume:

1.       Use the right equipment: Your video does not have to be cinema worthy, but it must show that you made an effort whilst still looking professional. If you have a new iPhone or Android phone, prop it up against a wall to film you. Better yet, ask a family member or friend to film you. Alternatively, if you have access to a camera and a tripod, use them to film instead.

2.       Come prepared: Make sure to write a script beforehand to avoid confusion or thinking of what to say next. Your video resume should not be a repeat of your original resume, but rather a quick summation of your skills and experience that showcases your personality.

3.       Be appropriate: Do not make any inappropriate comments or jokes and avoid dressing in casual or provocative clothing. Dress in business attire and make sure your personal hygiene is at its best.

4.       Keep it brief: Video resumes should be between 30 and 60 seconds long. Make sure to speak clearly, stand straight and don’t forget to smile!

5.       Ask for feedback: Show your close family and friends and ask for their feedback on your video.Do you sound too forced? Is the camera shaking? An outsider’s perspective might help you pick up on your mistakes.

If you need to create a video resume, get in contact with an MTC Recruitment Consultant to see how we can help you in your next job application.