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Candidate Success Story: Viorel

almost 2 years ago by
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​MTC Recruitment’s food processing industry connections turned out to be the key to Viorel’s success after he experienced a series of setbacks over the past few years.

Viorel lost his job as a kitchen hand during the Covid-19 lockdowns and while he had been able to find work in a few restaurants and cafes, but he was not getting many shifts and his income was unpredictable. Like many people who work in hospitality, he felt uncertain about his future, and the future of the industry in which he worked. When those issues combined with the sudden and drastic increase in the cost of living, Viorel began to struggle to take care of his family financially and felt demoralised by his limited skillset and mature age.

Viorel wanted to find long-term, full-time employment in a job that would allow him to stand on his own two feet again, but he had no idea how.

When he came to speak with MTC Australia, Viorel had also lost his bank card and ID, so his Health and Wellbeing Coach helped him get them back and assisted with buying emergency food when he had no access to his savings.

Viorel’s Health and Wellbeing Coach also supported him by building up his motivation and talking with him about his options and his employment history. During these conversations, Viorel’s Health and Wellbeing Coach discovered that he had experience working in a food processing factory. That’s where MTC Recruitment came into the picture as specialists in placing people into work in blue-collar jobs. An MTC Recruitment Consultant spoke with local contacts to see if there were any opportunities that would suit Viorel’s skills and experience.

Once the Recruitment Consultant successfully found a full-time position in a food processing company that would suit Viorel, they started preparing Viorel, so he had all the tools he needed to succeed. His Health and Wellbeing Coach worked with Viorel to update his resume and his Recruitment Consultant helped him with tips and advice before his interview.

After his interview, Viorel felt like he “got his mojo back”. He was much more motivated and livelier, almost like a completely different person! He felt hopeful about his future and was outgoing and talkative and he expressed his gratitude to everyone who helped him along the way.

Viorel was offered a full-time job and is so happy at his new workplace! He gets along well with his colleagues and supervisors and said that he would keep his job until his retirement!

The one thing that Viorel is most excited about is his leave and public holiday entitlements; having previously worked in hospitality, he hasn’t received them in decades. He’s looking forward to having a holiday with his family.

We’re very happy for Viorel’s success, and we’re grateful that we were able to be a part of his journey and help him regain control of his life. Congratulations, Viorel!